اخر الصفقات

السعر: 151

الكمية: 0

تغيير القيمة: 0

نسبة التغيير: 0


عدد الصفقات : 0

الكمية المتداولة : 0


الافتتاح: 0

الأعلى : 0

الأدنى : 0

أفضل طلب

السعر: 152

الكمية : 5

عرض طلب

السعر : 156.8

الكمية : 5

Corporate Governance

Rules and standards to lead and direct the company, including procedures to regulate the relationship between the board of directors, executives, shareholders and stakeholders, facilitate the decision-making process, and impart transparency and credibility to it, with the aim of protecting the rights of shareholders and stakeholders, and achieving justice, competitiveness and transparency in the business environment


Corporate Governance Regulations - Shareholders’ Rights - Importance of Governance - General Assembly of Shareholders - Board of Directors and Executive Management - Board Committees

Board of Directors

Board Members - Board Committees - Executive Management

Policies and Regulations

Articles of Association - Internal Control System - Risk Management Policy - Conflict of Interest Policy - Disclosure Policy - Stakeholder Relations Policy


Minutes of general assembly meetings - minutes of board of directors meetings - report of the board of directors - financial statements



We exceed customers' expectations by providing appropriate solutions in the field of packaging in a manner that contributes to achieving their goals in various sectors of their business and diligently and investing in the latest manufacturing techniques to provide innovative and environmentally friendly products and creating a work environment that enables workers and pushes them to develop and participate in the company's success march in a manner that is motivating and has a positive return in cooperation with Our success partners are our clients



Leadership : Leading with fairness and professionalism

Ownership : Talking ownership, accepting personal accountability, defining roles and working hard with team spirit and innovative culture

Integrity : Honest, passionate, faithful and transparent in all that we say and do.